Sunday, 4 November 2012

The difficult second post

So, I started this with the intention of keeping it upto date, but for one reason and another its now over a week later!

Buuuut.... my lovely hubby surprised me with my own pretty blue laptop before the weekend so I can now blog to my hearts content. Before I usually browsed the net on the iPad or my phone, but I couldn't blog on there so relied on nabbing the laptop from my hubby when I could. Which is not very often as he always working it seems.

Anyway enough of my drivel, the upshot of it is, I can now blog whenever I want, kidlets permitting obviously.

So what has been happening with me.....well we are now 4 weeks in. This weekend our best friends and their 5 month old daughter came to stay with us. We had a lovely lovely time and It was so nice to have my bestie back for a good chat.

I have been plodding on with going to my playgroups. I am getting lots of help from the staff which is nice, trying to engage R or holding T for me so I can spend some time with my girl. Its really nice and helpful, but I want friends too, if that makes sense. I recognise a few of the Mums now and we have a brief 'Hello, how are you' type chat but no one really has made any prolonged conversation with me. And whenever they do, I find myself saying the same thing to everyone..... 'I've just moved here, I don't know anyone, blah blah blah' I must sound so boring to anyone that overhears me, so they don't come and try to talk. Plus everyone has their own little groups. Its really hard to break into

I'll keep plugging away though, I'm hopeful that it'll come in time.

In the meantime, I have arranged to meet a couple of girls that responded to my 'please be my friend' advert on Netmums. One girl I have already met, she was nice, though she had a little boy last week so may be out of action for a while. Another girl, I was supposed to meet tomorrow but she is 37 weeks pregnant and so is feeling it a little, so it may be a case of waiting til she's had her baby before we get to meet.

That's all for now, I'm tired after a weekend of late nights and screaming babies (though luckily not mine, just in my house!)

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