Well as kind of expected I didn't stick to the blogging. I thought of it often, but never actually got the laptop out. I think my excuse is laziness, but as of 2014, that excuse no longer stands, I am going to try again!
So where are we now? Last time I posted was 13 months ago. It feels like yesterday to be honest. We have been living here for 16 months now and a lot has changed since my last blog. In December 2012, we had a lovely family Christmas, my brother and his wife came over from New York and my parents and grandparents came down here and we hosted them all in our lovely big home. It was great.
The start of 2013, saw a slow but steady development of a couple of friendships. My eldest started to make a couple of friends at the local playgroups and in turn I began talking to their Mums. In April R started nursery school at the local primary school and it was the best decision ever to send her there. She is thriving there and doing really really well. I started to widen my circle of 'Mum' friends from talking to others at pick up time and R made more good friends.
In May, my Mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, it was a really difficult time for us all, and really tested my decision to move away. It was hard feeling so far away from her and I think she struggled too, but at the same time, it was nice to be able to have her down here for a couple of weeks every now and again during her recovery from surgery etc.
Also in May, my youngest T, was rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties. It was a particularly difficult time as R was at nursery, my Mum was 4 days post surgery and hubby was overseas! I had to get one of the other mums to pick R up for me and look after her all day and then my Dad had to leave work and travel the 2 hours plus to collect her.
The school Summer holidays were a bit difficult for me as I went from having the structure of the nursery routine and seeing people everyday and that bit of adult conversation to nothing again. R's gymnastics class stopped for the holidays too. I'm not afraid to admit I struggled a bit and had a few wobbles.
Once the school term started again, things improved dramatically and I really started to cement some friendships and we even started arranging play dates and seeing each other outside of the school run. I am now happy to say I have a few 'proper' friends now, I even have their mobile numbers, surely the sign of a proper friendship.
Our week is now full of different playgroups, gymnastic classes, going to friends for coffee etc and I genuinely feel like I have settled here. R is completely settled in her nursery, she has more party invites than I think I have ever had! I have an ever widening group of lovely Mum friends, some I know I can call on to help me out if I need them too.
I still miss my northern friends, even more so when I go back and spend time with them, as I really feel as though i'm not part of the group anymore. Its nothing they've done, they are all lovely, but they get on with their lives and I am just not there to be as much part of their lives anymore. I love seeing them, but when we get together as a group, I sometimes come away feeling a bit sad.
I have lots more to say and now I have ideas for lots more posts, but I think that's enough for now.